Onward to 2023!

My spectacularly irregular blog hasn’t really captured my 2022, so I’m starting a Substack, here. Wish me luck!

But, 2022 was certainly eventful. I published my first short story, in ParSec. Then my second story, in ANALOG (which should be out now!) And sold a third, and when I sign the contract, you’ll hear about more about that.

I ran the NYC Marathon. It took a long time. It was also hot. But I kind of loved it?

I got my first pull-up. Then I lost my pull-ups, because all I did was run.

I joined the SFWA, which is crazy, and exciting!

It was also a very sad year. My cousin Mike died from esophageal cancer, and we were really close. I miss him every day.

And now it’s 2023, and I’m going to sell more stories (I hope!), and write more things, and run 700 miles this year, and do this Substack business (go subscribe!), and I’m ready for it.

Hopefully, I’ll even update you about some of it. Ha!